Sunday, 27 February 2011

Photo-journalist Kylie Jury's practice

Kylie Jury was kind enough to bring over some of her photographic prints for me to see. I had seen the works online and we had talked by phone before that, so I knew which series of her work I wanted for this exhibition. Seeing photographs online can fool you into thinking you know just what the work is like - and of course the subject is clear and visible - but it is always good to see the actual prints, and good too to discover that the prints can still surprise you!

The prints I am interested in for Drawling, and I'm not going to let you know which they are till the show is open, turned out to be larger than I had expected, and Kylie has printed them with a matt surface that works so well! The dimensions of the photograph and the surface are the two things you don't get to experience via a screen. Both can really change the way you respond to an image.

Kylie works mostly in series, sometimes to a brief and sometimes to her own chosen subject. Her work can be seen at

I have added a couple of my favourites here too: